HTC removes HDR Microphone from the One's spec sheet

By on Email @exolete

Htc Hdr Remove

HTC has removed the controversial HDR microphone manufactured by ST Microelectronics from the HTC One's spec sheet, promotional pages as well as local websites. The issue came up when Nokia sued ST Microelectronics in Netherlands as the HDR microphone was built with Nokia's partnership with STM, and was to be exclusively used by Nokia in its Lumia smartphones. But STM nullified the agreement by manufacturing the HDR microphone for HTC One as well.

The court held that it was STM and not HTC that was responsible for the gaffe  therefore the injunction on the HTC One was lifted. HTC is currently working on a new microphone of its own without the HDR branding and hence it has removed it from all spec sheets as well as related material.

Here's the official press statement from HTC:

  • Nokia has NOT obtained an injunction in the Netherlands, or anywhere else, against the HTC One.
  • The Dutch proceedings were brought by Nokia solely against STM. HTC was not sued by Nokia in the Netherlands.
  • The Dutch injunction prohibits STM from selling certain microphones to any company other than Nokia for a limited period.
  • The judgment against STM states that HTC can continue to use microphones already purchased from STM in its products, because they were purchased in good-faith. Nokia's attempt to obtain a recall of microphones already sold to HTC failed.
  • HTC will transition to improved microphone designs once its inventory of STM microphones is exhausted.
