Here are the first real images of the Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch

By on Email @exolete

Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch Leaked

Alright, so I'll reserve judgement till the next paragraph, but here's the Samsung Galaxy Gear smart watch featuring a 3-inch square OLED display with 4MP camera and speakers in the wrist band. There are two toggles on the left and right to control the various functions of the watch. The Galaxy Gear smart watch also has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi which enables it to interact with Facebook and Twitter. 

Galaxy Gear Smartwatch 2

Using these connectivity options the watch will be able to sync call logs and contacts and allow you to make phone calls on your Samsung Smartphone. Venturebeat was able to get their hands on the prototype which you see above in pictures taken from a video. The battery is supposed to last 10 hours on a single charge although its capacity is still unknown. The Galaxy Gear smartwatch will also have health tracking capabilities through various sensors.

Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch Leak 2

So let's get down to it. If this is the final production model of the Galaxy Gear, then Samsung has failed even before this hits the market, it looks ugly, is too large and looks like a miniature Galaxy S2 on your wrist. The four screws on the front clearly speak over-design and its just ugly to look at even though it might have some crazy features such as the ability to detect if your food is healthy or not. Well September 4th is just a few days away and we'll see if this is just a prototype or has Samsung's design team simply lost it.
