Realme has announced the launch of its next-generation neckband headset, the Realme Buds Wireless 5 ANC, set to debut in India on January 16th, alongside the Realme 14 Pro series. This headset succeeds last year’s Buds Wireless 3 with several notable upgrades.
The Realme Buds Wireless 5 ANC features 50dB hybrid active noise cancellation (ANC), a significant improvement over the 30dB ANC in its predecessor. It also includes adaptive 3-level noise reduction and 400Hz ultra-wideband noise cancellation. As expected, the headset will support ENC for call noise cancellation and come with an IP55 water and dust resistance rating.
Realme promises up to 38 hours of battery life on a single charge when ANC is turned off. The promotional images reveal a white or silver design with yellow accents, though additional color options are likely to be available. There’s no mention of LDHC or LDAC codec support, so the Buds Wireless 5 ANC is expected to rely on the AAC codec to maintain affordability.
The Realme Buds Wireless 5 ANC will be available for purchase on, Flipkart, and Amazon. Additional details about the product are expected to surface ahead of its official launch.