Microsoft's latest and greatest will be making its way to India in January 2016 in the form of the Surface Pro 4 running Windows 10. The news comes from Satya Nadell, CEO Microsoft who is on stage at present the #FutureUnleashed event being held in India celebrating the company's 25 years in the country.
Coming back to the Surface Pro 4, its a PC in disguise of a tablet. You get a 12.3-inch 2736x1824 pixels display here, a choice of 6th-gen Intel Core i5 or Core i7 processor with upto 16GB RAM and 1TB storage.
There's a new Surface Pen, an additional accessory which now has a magnetic latch alongwith an eraser. A new Type Cover will also be available for the Surface Pro 4 with a bigger trackpad and backlit keyboard. This time around the Type Cover also includes a fingerprint scanner.
At present there is no concrete word on exact availability on pricing but we'll know more closer to launch. But if we go at global cues, the Surface Pro 4 will start at about Rs. 70,000.