Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One Google Play Editions get Android 4.4 KitKat update

By on Email @exolete
Google Play Edition Htc One And Samsung Galaxy S4 Android44 Update
Those of you, who so wisely purchased the Samsung Galaxy S4 or the HTC One Google Play Edition smartphones in hopes of getting regular and quick updates, your day of reckoning is here. Both HTC and Samsung have begun seeding Android 4.4 KitKat update for their respective GPE flagships.

Only the Google Play Editions, Nexus devices and the Moto X are running Android 4.4 KitKat at the moment, which makes it just a handful of devices with the latest Android version. We expect Android KitKat with its support for lower end devices to finally unify the Android ecosystem and other manufacturers would do well to adopt to the new core.