Samsung India has sent invites for a launch event in New Delhi, India. According to our sources, the company is expected to launch the Galaxy On5 and Galaxy On7 smartphones in India. Both phones went official in China last week.
The Galaxy On series focuses on the youth and come with 4G connectivity. The Galaxy On5 and Galaxy On7 come with 5-inch and 5.5-inch HD displays with 1.5GB RAM, 8GB internal storage expandable via microSD card slot. Both are dual-SIM 4G LTE capable devices and we expect the Galaxy On5 to be priced below Rs. 9000.
Samsung Galaxy On5 vs Galaxy On7 Specifications
The Galaxy On5 is expected to be available in black and gold colors, while the Galaxy On7 will come in the rather demure black and white options. Pricing will be the key for the new Samsung On series in India, lets see what Samsung has in its hat this time.