Robert Downey Jr. comes to HTC's aid in new ad campaign, promises change

By on Email @exolete

Robert Downey Jr As Htc Brand Ambassador

HTC has started its new "Here's To Change" ad campaign with some short teasers. We've already seen the previous two which show a mysterious man heading to a remote location in a helicopter. Now, the third teaser shows that man is none other than Robert Downey Jr. 

We had heard some time back that RDJ was going to be the brand ambassador for HTC, and it seems the company was able to get him on board. The videos are bizarre to say the least, and RDJ comes up with a new full form of HTC. In pure RDJ fashion, the strangeness will probably culminate into something spectacular. Here's to hoping that HTC can turnaround its fortunes with a new image, just like RDJ did with Iron Man.

Here are the three teaser videos, watch them in order: