Nokia Camera app updated with Living Images, continuous auto-focus

By on Email @exolete

Nokia Camera App

Microsoft has just updated the Nokia Camera app to version which adds the ability to save images in a GIF like format which adds a bit of motion to the image and combined with a background score it can be saved as a video.

The camera app now also gets continuous auto-focus which will let users take photos quickly as the viewfinder will always be in focus. The update adds additional features like surround sound capture in videos, cinemagraphs as well as  improved ReFocus. The new updated app also integrates Nokia Creative Studio as well as Nokia Video Trimmer.

Nokia Camera Update

Living images and continuous auto-focus will only be available on the Lumia 930, Lumia 1520 and the Lumia Icon running the Lumia Cyan update.

Via: WPCentral

Download: Nokia Camera