Moto X+1 for AT&T spotted on Motorola's website

By on Email @exolete

Motorola Moto X1 ATT

Motorola has been letting slip the Moto X+1 name for the last few weeks, we already know that it will be the successor to the Moto X but what exactly is in store for us still unknown. Today, the above image surfaced on Motorola's own website, hinting that we might be nearing a launch. Although this points to a AT&T release, variants for Sprint and Verizon must also be in the making.

The phone on the right is the Moto X and not the X+1, so its just a placeholder and it seems the $400 price tag too is just  a place holder for now. Sometime back, we also heard that Motorola will be providing 25 backpanel options for the Moto X+1. But everything including what the phone looks like is still unconfirmed and moreover the company is planning to launch the budget Moto E first on May 13th. We will keep you posted on any further developments.