LG G Flex with world's first 'real' curved OLED display goes official

By on Email @exolete

LG_G_Flex Curved Display

We knew this was coming. After leaked press shots to a video, the LG G Flex is finally official. The phone uses flexible OLED technology, for its 6-inch 1080p curved display. Its quite thin at 7.9 mm at its thinnest and 8.7 mm at its thickest point and weighs in at about 177 grams. The G Flex is powered by a 2.26 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor with 2GB of RAM, a 13-megapixel camera, and a 3,500 mAh battery. It has the same button layout as the recently released LG G2, at the back just below the camera sensor.

LG_G_Flex 6 Inch 1080p Display

Samsung earlier launched its own curved display smartphone, the Galaxy Round, which curved on the vertical axis while the  LG G Flex curves on its horizontal axis. which according to LG gives it better ergonomics and an immersive video experience. Unlike Samsung, LG has decided not to make any particular use of its unique display although it is advertising a new type of "self-healing" coating on its backcover. The company is comparing this protective film on the backcover to Wolverine's capability to heal himself. But its something we would have to see with our own eyes.

The LG G Flex will be available in Korea beginning next month on the 3 largest carriers of the country and at present there is no word on price or international availability.