Android Lollipop now running on about 12% of devices

By on Email @exolete

Android Lollipop Devices

Android Lollipop's penetration into the ecosystem has been rather slow, coupled with various bugs in the initial releases, many manufacturers have refrained from updating their devices. But with a steady progress, Lollipop hs made its way to about 12% devices.

Android Lollipop is a huge shift from KitKat, both in terms of design and usability. Material Design, a design philosophy to mimic natural behavior comes out with brighter colors, fluid - purposeful animations.

KitKat still reins supreme with around 39% marketshare but we are seeing a steady decline here, Jelly Bean still has a major foothold over 37.4% Android devices. These stats were taken from Google's new Play Store app, so if a device doesn't have the Play Store installed, it was not counted.

Source: Android