Nokia Lumia 1020 gets a permanent price cut to $199.99 from AT&T and Microsoft stores

By on Email @exolete
Nokia_lumia_1020 Discount And Free Camera Grip
You can now get the Nokia Lumia 1020 for $199.99 from AT&T on a 2 year contract. Microsoft is also giving the same offer on the Lumia 1020 via its store, but you also get the $74 camera grip for free. That's the best deal you can get on the Lumia 1020, so hurry up as the offer for the free camera grip expires on September 22.

Microsoft recently acquired Nokia's Devices and Services divisions, and going forward there will never be another "Nokia" branded Windows Phone device but the Lumia branding will continue. So here's a change to get the last Windows Phone 8 device that Nokia ever built.