Microsoft releases official file manager for Windows Phone 8.1

By on Email @exolete

Windows Phone Files Manager App

Its here, now you can browse files on your Windows Phone 8.1 device. Microsoft has been teasing its "Files" file manager since April and after an expected May release, it was pushed to June. But today on the last day of the month, Files manager is now available for the platform.

Its a pretty straight-forward app, allows you to browse files on phone storage or your SD card. You can browse for files, search or open them directly. You can also share files. Rest of the options like copying, creating, moving, renaming, deleting and organizing files or folders is very simple and easy. But Files app still lacks access to OneDrive, which is a bit weird considering the app has been 3 years in the making or 3 years too late without Cloud Storage support.  

What took this long to make a functional file manager for a smartphone OS? Well, that's for another time.

Source: Windows Phone Store